Transforming 乳腺癌 care for underserved patient populations

2人以上.3 million people are diagnosed with 乳腺癌 each year, 在95%的国家, 乳腺癌 is the first or second leading cause of female cancer deaths.1 然而, not all patients have access to optimal 乳腺癌 care, 哪些导致了内部结果的显著差异, 在全球各个国家.2-4


Full details of the grant programme are provided in the detailed 申请指引文件. Please read this carefully before starting your application.

Eligible organisations can submit their grant application to 慈善援助基金会(CAF) until 13th June 2024. 


介绍 乳腺癌 筛选, 早期诊断和创新疗法, along with increased disease awareness have significantly improved the survival of people living with 乳腺癌.5 然而, 在乳腺癌治疗方面存在着显著的不平等, thus the reduction in 乳腺癌 mortality has not been shared equally among patient populations.2-4

患者的诊断结果常常不同, treatment and care based on 谁 they are and where they live, 而不是临床需求.2-4 These inequities of care can lead to significant disparities in outcomes, for example:

  • The decline in 乳腺癌 mortality rates being observed in high-income countries over the past four decades has yet to be achieved in the majority of low- and middle-income countries.6
  • 即使在国家内部, inequities of care can be observed based on several factors, 比如年龄, 残疾, 种族, 性别, 农村和偏远社区, 性取向和社会经济地位.2-4

助力乳腺癌进展资助计划 is an initiative funded by AstraZeneca and supported by the 慈善援助基金会(CAF). It has been established in recognition of the inequities in 乳腺癌 care around the world and the significant barriers to optimal care that are contributing to avoidable 乳腺癌 deaths. The programme aims to fund innovative and inspiring projects that could help transform 乳腺癌 care for undeserved patient populations and patients living in areas of low socioeconomic status.

In 2024, 成立之年, the Powering 乳腺癌 Progress grant programme will focus on 乳腺癌 patient navigation. Patient navigation is an integral part of the patient experience as it helps individuals navigate their complex care pathway.7,8 


Patient navigation refers to the individualised assistance, 包括临床和非临床, provided to patients to navigate the complex health system from diagnosis to survivorship and/or palliative care.7,9,10 It has been identified as a critical resource for patients with 乳腺癌 as it has been suggested to improve patient outcomes7 并减少对卫生保健系统的影响.11

然而, there are significant barriers to accessing patient navigation services, and these are even more pronounced amongst hard-to-reach patients and those living in areas of low socioeconomic status.3,4,12  这些障碍包括缺乏认识, inconsistent programme models and approaches and structural barriers, 比如有限的资源和投资.7 在一些国家, training and professionalisation of patient navigators is lacking and, 在大多数情况下, there is no officially recognised oncology patient navigation certification, 导致缺少领航员, which is being reinforced by the shortage of nurses worldwide.8

Through the Powering 乳腺癌 Progress grant programme, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐希望提高人们的意识, availability and access to patient navigation programmes for underserved patient populations and patients living in areas of low socioeconomic status.



1.    世界卫生组织. 世卫组织发布新的乳腺癌路线图. 可在:http://www.谁.int/news/item/03-02-2023-谁-launches-new-roadmap-on-breast-cancer. 获取于2024年3月.

2.    西格尔RL,米勒KD,杰马尔A. 2020年癌症统计数据. 癌症J临床. 2020;70:7-30.

3.    布劳利噢, Berger MZ: Cancer and disparities in health: Perspectives on health statistics and research questions. 巨蟹座113:1744-1754,2008(增补7).

4.    拜尔斯T. Two decades of declining cancer mortality: Progress with disparity. 公共卫生年度报告. 2010;31:121–132.

5.    冯毅,等. 乳腺癌的发展和进展:危险因素, 癌症干细胞, 信号通路, 基因组学, 分子发病机制. 基因 & 疾病. 2018;5(2), 77–106.

6.    世界卫生组织. 乳腺癌的不平等.可在:http://www.谁.int/initiatives/global-breast-cancer-initiative/breast-cancer-inequities. 获取于2024年3月.

7.    刘建军,刘建军,刘建军. Patient Navigation in 乳腺癌 Treatment and Survivorship: A Systematic Review. J .临床肿瘤学. 2016 Oct 20;34(30):3686-3696

8.    澳门在线赌城娱乐数据存档. 2023. 病人导航报告.​

9.    Freeman HP, Rodriguez RL: History and principles of patient navigation. 癌症,2011(增刊15):3539-3542

10.  澳门在线赌城娱乐数据存档. 2023. 病人导航报告.

11.  陈瑞杰,等. Patient navigation across the cancer care continuum: an overview of systematic reviews and emerging literature. CA:临床医生的癌症杂志. 2023年11月,73 (6):565 - 89.

12.  现在乳腺癌. 乳腺癌与不平等:证据综述. 可在: 获取于2024年3月.

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