I am a 高级首席科学家 in 研究和早期开发, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM), responsible for setting the research strategy and building a strong early pipeline of projects in heart failure.

训练有素的心脏病专家, I received my medical degree from Shandong University, 中国, following which I worked as clinical cardiologist and lecturer. After obtaining a PhD in Cardiology from Karolinska Institute, I joined AstraZeneca in 1997.

During my first few years at AstraZeneca, I provided cardiovascular pharmacology support to several late stage projects across therapeutic areas whilst also developing several preclinical models of heart failure. Later, I initiated and developed the cardiac regeneration programme at AstraZeneca. 通过我在公司的时间, I have led many cardiovascular projects including small molecule, 蛋白质和RNA项目.

I have also led a number of successful collaborations with academic and industry partners and have published 63 peer-reviewed papers, including papers in high impact journals such as 自然医学, 自然通讯, 细胞研究与循环.

My work is focused on discovering and developing potential new medicines for heart failure patients. 尽管治疗取得了进步, heart failure remains as life-threatening as most common forms of cancer. Working at the cutting edge of science is what motivates me.

Qing-Dong王 高级首席科学家, 生物科学, 研究和早期开发, CVRM, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐R&D

IMED Science 奖 – Small group (2013)

IMED Science 奖 – Senior Scientist (2017)

IMED Scientist of the Year 奖 – People’s Choice 奖 (2017)


高级首席科学家, 生物科学, 研究和早期开发, CVRM, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐R&D


Contributed to advances in the cardiac regeneration field by demonstrating that putative adult cardiac stem 细胞s do not form new cardiomyocytes under physiological condition or after myocardial infarction


Initiated phenotypic screen in cardiomyocytes derived from human pluripotent stem 细胞s and identified promising pro-proliferative compounds and a novel pathway required for cardiomyocyte proliferation


Initiated AstraZeneca’s cardiac regeneration programme and developed its research strategy


Reassessment of c-Kit+ Cells for Cardiomyocyte Contribution in Adult Heart

何磊,韩敏,张志等. 循环. 2019;140:164–166


Genetic Tracing Identifies Early Segregation of the Cardiomyocyte and Non-Myocyte Lineages.

李勇,吕震,何磊等. 循环研究. 出版链接: http://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.119.315280


Drug Screening in Human PSC-Cardiac Organoids Identifies Pro-proliferative Compounds Acting via the Mevalonate Pathway.

Mills RJ, Parker BL, Quaife-Ryan GA et al. 干细胞. 2009; 24(6): 895-907. 出版链接: http://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909%2819%2930108-0

Enhancing the precision of genetic lineage tracing using dual recombinases.

何磊,李毅,李毅等. 自然医学. 2017; 23: 1488-98.

出版链接: http://www.nature.com/articles/nm.4437

Identification of a hybrid myocardial zone in the mammalian heart after birth.

田霞,李勇,何磊等. 自然通讯. 2017; 8:87.

出版链接: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-00118-1

An IGF1R-dependent pathway drives epicardial adipose tissue formation after myocardial injury.

张建军,刘建军,刘建军,等. 循环. 2017;135:59-72

出版链接: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov / pmc /Articles/ PMC5195872 /

Long-term self-renewing human epicardial 细胞s generated from pluripotent stem 细胞s under defined xeno-free conditions.

包新,连新,Hacker TA等. 自然生物医学工程. 2016;1. pii: 0003.

出版链接: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41551-016-0003

Heart regeneration: opportunities and challenges for drug discovery with novel chemical and therapeutic modalities.

Plowright AT, Engkvist O, Gill A, Knerr L, Wang QD. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2014,53,4056-75

出版链接: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/anie.201307034


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