Oligonucleotide therapies are an exciting approach to developing medicines that uses small DNA-like molecules to treat diseases. As Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Lead I work across AstraZeneca and with collaborators to explore and develop the potential of this exciting area. I also sit on the Discovery Sciences management team and drug project Review Boards across 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐, where I help to identify the most promising drug candidates to progress into clinical trials.

Following over 25 years in pharmaceutical research, I’m proud to have led groundbreaking work both in more traditional small molecules therapeutics and, 最近, in ribonucleic acid (核糖核酸)-based therapeutics.

I grew up in Zanzibar in a family passionate about education and self-development. I moved to Sweden to undertake a PhD at the University of Linköping in organic and analytical chemistry, and subsequently held research and teaching positions at the University prior to moving into industry. I have authored over 70 peer reviewed articles, am named as an inventor on six patents. I am also on the board of the Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Society and part of the scientific advisory group for the UK Nucleic Acid Therapeutics Accelerator.

Since oligonucleotide therapies are a novel area of drug development, my role involves understanding the skills and capabilities that we need to operate effectively in this field. 敞开心扉, flexible and willing to adapt are key skills and I have spent a lot of time identifying and building the resources that allow us to lead in oligonucleotide therapeutics.

Collaboration is key to our success and I am proud to work with various biotech companies and academic groups. I head the Targeted Drug Delivery platform and support work with Ionis Pharmaceuticals, 沉默疗法, 卡罗林斯卡学院和盖特豪斯生物研究所. These collaborations are helping us to explore many possibilities in nucleotide therapies.

One major collaboration is OligoNova Hub, where I help to lead and drive support as a Board member. The Hub is a Swedish-led partnership funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, SciLifeLab, and the University of 哥德堡 that aims to accelerate discovery and development of oligonucleotide therapies.

I am very proud to be part of an organisation that is open to collaborations across industry and academia to improve outcomes for patients. There is huge value in sharing our learnings for the development of oligonucleotides to stimulate innovation, 医疗保健和文化变革方面的进展. Ultimately, we all have the same goal, to develop life-changing medicines for patients, faster.

莎莉尼·安德森 Vice President Oligonucleotide Discovery, Discovery Sciences, AstraZeneca

莎莉尼·安德森, Vice President Oligonucleotide Discovery, Discovery Sciences


Vice President Oligonucleotide Discovery, Discovery Sciences

2020 – 2021

首席科学家 & Head of Oligonucleotide Discovery, Discovery Sciences

2019 – 2020

首席科学家 New Therapeutic Modalities, Discovery Sciences

2018 – 2019

Head of New Therapeutic Modalities, 心血管,肾脏和代谢 (CVRM)


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Novel endosomolytic compounds enable highly potent delivery of antisense oligonucleotides

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体重的影响, low energy diet and gastric bypass on drug bioavailability, cardiovascular risk factors and metabolic biomarkers: protocol for an open, non-randomised, 三臂单中心研究(COCKTAIL)

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