





准会员Earle A. 智利研究所, 普罗维登斯癌症研究所, 澳门在线赌城娱乐的专家顾问(TCR治疗的负责人), 肿瘤学R&D)


细胞疗法 in oncology has been spearheaded by the development of therapeutic chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)‑T cells, created by isolating and modifying a patient’s T cells to target their cancer.1 While this approach has transformed outcomes for patients with some blood cancers, effective CAR-T cell therapy for solid cancers is not yet a reality.1,2


The recent acquisition of Neogene Therapeutics by AstraZeneca gives us a unique opportunity to join forces and approach this challenge from multiple angles including:

  1. 装甲的CAR-Ts, designed to overcome the immunosuppressive barrier of the tumour microenvironment and increase their potential effectiveness in hard-to-treat solid tumours.
  2. t细胞受体疗法(TCR-Ts) 可以到达细胞内的目标, 包括肿瘤特异性突变, 扩大细胞疗法可触及的靶标范围.


Neogene was founded in 2018 and has rapidly grown into an international biotechnology company. As veterans of the development of life-changing CAR-T technology we’re using our decades of experience and deep expertise in TCR biology to expand the potential of cell therapy. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的重点是发现, 开发和制造变革性的下一代TCR - t, 针对癌症特异性蛋白质(“新抗原”).

Neogene’ brings new expertise in TCR-T development that complements our in-house CAR-T capabilities, clinical research expertise and growing programme of off-the-shelf neoantigen-targeted therapies.


The T-cell receptor (TCR) is a transmembrane receptor found on the surface of T cells that is responsible for recognising targets, or ‘antigens’ in the form of peptides bound to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) on target cells.3 The MHC is a complex which collects and presents protein fragments (peptides), 包括在癌细胞中发现的那些, 到TCR, 从而激活T细胞并刺激免疫反应.

Advances in genetic engineering have enabled scientists to use TCRs to edit the antigen-specificity of T cells, paving the way for the emergence of T-cell therapies that recognise tumour-specific, mhc结合突变衍生肽.4 利用MHC抗原识别机制, TCR-Ts are able to identify a broad range of targets including intracellular proteins. This complements our emerging pipeline of CAR-Ts that recognise proteins expressed on the surface of cancer cells and unlocks new targets, 扩大治疗更多肿瘤类型的潜力.


Commonly occurring driver mutations in tumour cells are highly attractive targets for cell therapy since they are critical for cancer growth. Targeting these mutations provides a mechanism for selectively targeting cancer cells and limits the ability of tumour cells to evade attack by immune system. 在此基础上, the Neogene team are advancing TCR-Ts that target commonly occurring oncogenic driver mutations in solid tumours.

另一方面, 癌症是一种高度个体化的疾病, caused by patient specific genetic changes which produce unique neoantigens. 除了针对常见的驱动突变, the Neogene team have created a proprietary platform to engineer TCR-Ts that recognise patient-specific neoantigens. Our discovery platform allows the rapid screening of large patient derived TCR libraries to identify multiple neoantigen-specific TCRs from a patient, 从中完全个性化, 可以创建多特异性TCR-T疗法, 从而使对肿瘤细胞的多管齐下的攻击成为可能.


Bringing Neogene into our Company brings leading infrastructure to the development of this revolutionary new approach in cell therapy. Our complementary skills will help us to overcome practical barriers and reach patients with hard-to-treat cancers in the clinic.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐期待着加快这一领域的研究, with the potential to bring curative cell therapies to a larger number of patients and move the oncology paradigm from ‘treat’ to ‘cure’.


We welcome committed, talented scientists to join us in creating the future of oncology cell therapy. we recruit scientists with relevant expertise to join us in our state-of-the-art research facilities in 剑桥, UK, 和盖, US; and Neogene are looking to expand their dynamic, 阿姆斯特丹的高成就团队, 荷兰和圣莫尼卡, US.




1. Finck AV,等. 癌症及其他领域的工程细胞免疫疗法. Nat地中海. 2022;28(4):678-689.

2. Saez-Ibañez AR等. 癌症细胞治疗的前景:趋势和真实世界的数据. Nat Rev药物光盘. 2022;21:631-632.

3. 马拉克P和卡普勒J. T细胞受体. 科学. 1987;238(4830):1073-9

4. Shafer P,等. Cancer therapy with TCR-engineered T cells; current strategies, challenges, and prospects. 前面Immunol. 2022;13:835762. engineered T cells; current strategies, challenges, and prospects. 前面Immunol. 2022;13:835762.

Veeva ID: Z4-58850