Green labs: creating a culture of sustainable science

22 May 2023

Written by:

Penny James

Chief Operating Officer, BioPharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca

Stuart Jackson

Chief Operating Officer, Oncology,

Anthony Mire-Sluis

Head of Global Quality,

Andrew King

Director Safety, Health, Environment Lead for
Global Quality at AstraZeneca

At AstraZeneca, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐不断挑战自我,开拓创新的方法和流程,最大限度地减少澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对世界自然资源的影响. We are integrating sustainability through our entire supply chain, from the lab bench to the patient. Across our labs we are creating a culture of sustainability and changing mindsets to ensure we design, develop and deliver new medicines in the most environmentally sustainable way possible. 

Scientific innovation and environmental responsibility go hand in hand

医疗保健行业约占全球温室气体(GHG)排放量的5%,实验室消耗的能源是典型办公空间的5-10倍.1 As a company whose mission is to transform health outcomes, we have a responsibility to address the climate crisis directly. By making long-term and lasting changes, we are lessening the environmental impact of our lab operations, and contributing to our 雄心零碳战略,使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的运营和价值链脱碳,到2045年实现净零排放 at the latest.

Achieving our sustainability targets requires a change in mindset

Through our Green Labs programme, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在通过让科学家参与整个组织的环境可持续性来减少实验室操作对环境的影响——从R的实验室同事&D and Pharmaceutical Technology & 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的制造和供应网络的质量控制方面发展澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的运营同事. With more than 4,000 colleagues optimising ways of working, we are changing our culture. For example, we are taking action on:

  • Energy Reduction: 参与国际冷冻挑战和关闭优化计划(SWOOP),以减少澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的电力消耗和碳足迹.
  • Waste Management: 采用环保的废物处理方法,促进塑料和手套等实验室材料的回收利用, reducing our waste output.
  • Certification: In collaboration with My Green Lab, 在整个组织内部署证书,以了解澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在实验室空间内的可持续绩效,并确定改进的机会.
  • Innovation in laboratory processes: To reduce raw materials and solvent usage.

What is My Green Lab?

My Green Lab 是一个非营利性的环保组织,其使命是建立一个全球可持续发展的科学文化. 该组织在为实验室和实验室产品制定国际公认的可持续性标准方面处于世界领先地位, 为社区带来可持续发展,负责世界上改变生活的医疗和技术创新. Laboratories are one of the most resource-intensive spaces in any industry, but they don’t have to be. By introducing both a new perspective and proven best practices within a carefully crafted framework, 我的绿色实验室激励了成千上万的科学家通过减少他们的工作对环境的影响,在他们的实验室里做出积极的改变.

Creating a culture of sustainability with My Green Lab

My Green Lab Certification: a commitment to sustainable science

Recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign as a key measure of progress towards a zero-carbon future, the My Green Lab Certification was brought in through our R&D team and is considered the worldwide standard for laboratory sustainability. So far, we have achieved My Green Lab Certification in over 100 lab spaces across around the world, 41 of which are at the highest level that can be achieved – Green.  澳门第一赌城在线娱乐是第一个在美洲地区的生产和供应基地获得这一级别认证的组织, a first for any industry.

Additionally, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的开罗生产基地获得了制药行业内任何其他组织质量控制实验室的第一个绿色级别认证. 这反映了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的科学家和质量专业人员为改善能源而开展的全球工作, 水和化学品的使用,并通过回收实验室塑料和手套等举措减少产生的废物量.

今年早些时候,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的Alexion Athlone(爱尔兰)工厂在其完成填充建筑中安装了热泵技术,预计将减少50%的范围1排放,避免超过6,000MWh of natural gas annually, the equivalent natural gas usage of 550 households annually.*

Promoting best practices in laboratory cold storage management

In addition to My Green Lab Certification, for the past four years we participated in an international, annual competition designed to promote best practices in laboratory cold storage management. Our labs competed to save energy through activities such as freezer clean outs, maintenance, temperature set-backs from -80 to -70°C, and upgrades to more energy-efficient models.

In 2023, we saved 5299 kWh/day, the equivalent of the energy used to charge an estimated 278,844 mobile phones per day**. 基于这些节能和主动的方法来减少冷库对环境的影响, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐获得了我的绿色实验室和国际可持续实验室研究所(i2sl)的奖励。, The Small Size Lab Award for our R&D Biobank in Gothenburg, Sweden and the Freezer Challenge Top Organisation Award. In addition, this year we were awarded Lab Innovations ‘Smart Lab of the Year’ and ‘Sustainable Lab of the Year’.

Additionally, lab-based colleagues at our Gothenburg site upgraded our Biobank freezer park, 安全停用37台旧冰柜,代之以25台更节能的新机型, helping to avoid 1 tCO2e – the equivalence of charging 121,643 mobile phones - every week.**

Empowering scientists and operators to switch-off lab equipment

Since 2021, we have been implementing SWOOP, or the Switch-off Optimisation Program, across most of our labs. SWOOP是一项基层倡议,它对实验室设备进行识别和分类,以便科学家个人在适当的时候关闭设备, and without significantly impacting scientist workflows. By labelling equipment with either a green (safe to shut down after use), amber (check with a supervisor before shutting down) or red (do not shut down) sticker, our scientists are empowered to make small changes that reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint; a simple initiative that has delivered tangible energy reductions.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在通过行为改变赋予实验室同事可持续研究实践的权力. It’s about asking everyone in our labs to have a sustainability mindset in everything they do. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的认证证明了该项目能够迅速带来积极的变化,从而更加可持续地管理能源, water, waste and chemicals across our laboratories.

Discover more about the My Green Lab Certification and an example of how our R&D labs are going green in the below video:

Every change matters. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的最终目标是在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐所有的工厂都达到“我的绿色实验室”提供的最高水平的认证,并让世界各地的实验室同事参与到减少澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对环境影响的活动中来,使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够可持续地运营. Having seen first-hand the benefit of My Green Lab Certification, the Freezer Challenge, and SWOOP in helping us achieve our environmental sustainability goals, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐现在是“我的绿色实验室”的赞助商,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在共同努力,支持整个公司可持续科学的未来, our partners, collaborators and beyond.

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1. 2021 Health Care’s response to climate change: A carbon footprint assessment. Available at: (Accessed: November 2023).


**Energy savings estimated by My Green Lab and I2SL for the 2023 Freezer Challenge; energy equivalence determined using the Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalence Calculator

Veeva ID: Z4-59967
Date of preparation: November 2023