The Awards

AstraZeneca annual scientific awards

Every year, since 2012, the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) and the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) are in charge of the AstraZeneca Scientific Prizes 专为处于职业生涯中期的研究人员而设.

三位获奖者将获得25欧元的奖金.000 euros prize (€ 12.获奖者将获得500欧元奖金, € 12.500 以表彰他们的创新科学研究.

The Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.–FNRS) and the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) are in charge of collecting the applications and selecting both Belgian and international experts to designate the three laureates.

Topics are renewed for each edition. Prof. Jean-Luc Balligand, 澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会董事会主席, explains: That’s the beauty of having knowledgeable academics in the board of the foundation. 他们来自不同的科学和医学领域, with their specific backgrounds and know where the cutting-edge advances in science are being developed. We freely exchange during the board meetings on potential topics and each year, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有8到10个潜在的提案. This is submitted to a vote (remote email system) where each member of the board establishes his top three topics. Combining all this, we come with a consensus on three major areas for which we call for proposals.

The Laureates


Three Scientific Prizes are awarded for contributions in the following categories: New developments in the pathophysiology and treatment of auto-immune diseases, New advancements in physical, mental and social health at work, and New developments in healthy aging: from physiological to psychological and ethical aspects.

Each laureate was awarded a sum of € 25,000 euros to continue their innovative research. 2023位科学奖得主分别是:

  • Prof. Johann Morelle (UCLouvain),
  • Prof. Professor Els Clays (UGent), and
  • Prof. Professor Charlotte Beaudart (UNamur).

To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their offices and labs.


Prof. Johann Morelle (UCLouvain)

New developments in the pathophysiology and treatment of auto-immune disease

Prof. Professor Els Clays (UGent)


Prof. Professor Charlotte Beaudart (UNamur)



Three Scientific Prizes are awarded for contributions in the following categories: 利用癌症细胞遗传缺陷的破坏性方法, Innovative approaches to promote prevention in public health and clinical care, and 大流行期间的社会心理脆弱性.

Each laureate was awarded a sum of € 25,000 euros to continue their innovative research. 这些科学奖的2022年获奖者分别是

  • Prof. Kim De Keersmaecker (KU Leuven),
  • Prof. Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (GIGA-CHU li), and
  • Prof. Sarah Van de Velde (UAntwerpen).

To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their offices and labs.


Prof. Kim De Keersmaecker (KU Leuven)

2022 Scientific Prize for 利用癌症细胞遗传缺陷的破坏性方法.

Prof. Audrey Vanhaudenhuyse (GIGA-CHU li)

2022 Scientific Prize for Innovative approaches to promote prevention in public health and clinical care.

Prof. Sarah Van de Velde (UAntwerpen)

2021 Scientific Prize for the Study of Psychosocial vulnerability during the pandemic


Three Scientific Prizes were awarded for contributions in the following categories: 感染免疫防御的异质性, 再生医学的新策略 and Gene editing as a therapeutic approach. Each laureate was awarded a sum of € 25,000 euros to continue their innovative research. 这些科学奖的2021年获奖者分别是

  • Prof. 克里斯·劳肯斯(Adrem数据实验室- unantwerpen),
  • Prof. Liesbet Geris (ULiège), and
  • Prof. Esteban Guzov (ULB).

To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their offices and labs.


Prof. 克里斯·劳肯斯,安特卫普Adrem数据实验室


Prof. Liesbet Geris, ULiège


Prof. Esteban Gurzov, ULB



四项科学奖颁发给在…领域的贡献 Antiviral Therapies, Environment and Climate Change, and 人工智能(AI)时代的患者护理. Each category was awarded a sum of € 25,000 euros to continue this innovative research. 2020年这些科学奖的获奖者分别是

  • Joana Rocha-Pereira (Rega Institute- KU Leuven),
  • 蒂姆·纳罗特(乌哈赛尔特环境科学中心),
  • Athena Demertzi (GIGA意识研究单位- ulige), and
  • Yvan Saeys(炎症研究中心- vib - gent).

To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their offices and labs.


Joana Rocha-Pereira,鲁汶大学雷加研究所




Athena Demertzi, GIGA Consciousness Research Unit (Coma Science Group)-ULiège





四项科学奖颁发给在…领域的贡献 Oncology, Rare Diseases, Respiratory/Cardiometabolic and Infant mental health. 2019年这些科学奖的获奖者分别是

  • Prof. Dr. Dmitri Krysko (UGent),
  • Dr. Olivia Gosseries (GIGA意识研究单位- ulige),
  • Dr. Florence Schleich (ULiège), and
  • Dr. Saskia Van der Oord (KU Leuven).

To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their offices and labs.


2019 Laureates


四项科学奖颁发给在…领域的贡献 Primary care & Family Medicine, Oncology, Mental Disorders, and Respiratory Diseases. 2018年科学大奖的获奖者分别是

  • Prof. Pauline Boeckxstaens,
  • Prof. Piet Ost,
  • Prof. Filip Raes, and
  • Prof. Thomas Marichal.


Dr. Pauline Boeckxstaens UGent

Primary Care & Family Medicine Award – € 25 000 euros

Prof. dr. Piet Ost UGent

Oncology Award – € 25 000 euros

Prof. dr. Filip Raes KU Leuven


Dr. Thomas Marichal ULiège



三个科学奖被授予在…领域的贡献 Epigenetics, Healthy Ageing and Immunotherapy. 2017年这些科学奖的获奖者分别是

  • Prof. Pieter Van Vlierberghe (U Gent),
  • Prof. Anne Spinewine (UCLouvain), and
  • Prof. Evelien Smits (U Antwerpen).

Prof. Pieter Van Vlierberghe 他因研究白血病新疗法而获得表观遗传学奖. Prof. Anne Spinewine was awarded the Healthy Ageing Award for her research on innovative methods of prescribing drugs for the elderly. 最后,免疫治疗奖被分配给 Prof. Evelien Smits 因为她研究了免疫疗法的新疗法.



在三个不同的学科中获得了三个科学奖: bioinformatics, oncology and cardiovascular/metabolic disorders. This year's laureates are

  • Prof Stein Aerts (KU Leuven/ VIB),
  • Prof Pierre Sonveaux (UCLouvain), and
  • Anne-Catherine Pouleur教授(鲁汶大学).

Prof. dr. Aerts received the Scientific Prize for his research on the understanding of complex DNA codes, 在未来,哪些会有助于阻止癌症的发展, Prof. dr. Sonveaux received the Scientific Prize for his research on the prevention of cancer metastases, and Prof. dr. Pouleur 她因对心力衰竭的研究而获得科学奖.



三个科学奖被授予在…领域的贡献 Bioinformatics, Oncology and Respiratory Diseases. Each laureate received a sum of € 25.000欧元来继续他的创新研究. The three laureates are respectively

  • Prof. dr. Moreau (KU Leuven),
  • Prof dr. Janssens (KU Leuven), and
  • Prof. dr. Mazzone (VIB/KULeuven).

Prof. dr. Moreau received one of the first Bioinformatics Award ever granted in Belgium for his research on data fusion in rare diseases and drug discovery. Prof. dr. Janssens was awarded the Respiratory Diseases Award for his findings on the important role Vitamin D can play in the battle against COPD. 最后,肿瘤学奖颁给了 Prof. dr. Mazzone 因为他在癌症治疗优化方面的研究.



四项科学奖被授予在科学领域的贡献 Cardiovascular/MetabolicDiseases, Oncology, Autoimmune diseases/Rheumatology and Neurosciences/Psychiatry. The four laureates are respectively

  • Prof. Dr. Aernout Luttun (KULeuven),
  • Prof. Dr. Hans Wildiers (KULeuven),
  • Prof. Dr. Mohamed Lamkanfi (VIB/根特大学), and
  • Prof. Dr. Laurent Nguyen (ULG).



Four scientific awards were presented, in particular for contributions in the fields of cardiovascular disease, infectious disease, oncology, asthma and COPD. The four laureates are respectively

  • Prof. Peter Sinnaeve (KULeuven),
  • Prof. Françoise Van Bambeke (UCLouvain),
  • Prof. Jean-Christophe Marine (VIB/KULeuven), and
  • Prof. Hamida Hammad (UGent).



The 2012 laureates are Diether Lambrechts and Bart De Geest, both professors at KU Leuven.

Professor Lambrechts was awarded the sum of € 50,000 euros for his research into the discovery and validation of genetic biomarkers for targeted cancer therapies. While Professor De Geest received € 25.000 euros for his research into new therapeutic areas for HDL-targeted therapies.



自2016年以来,澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会每两年颁发一个奖项 biomedical scientific research 这已经或可能有助于改善人类健康. Since 2021, the Foundation has extended this biomedical prize to two established investigators (one based in Flanders, 另一位在瓦隆尼亚-布鲁塞尔联邦工作).

The 比利时皇家医学院(ARMB和KAGB) are entrusted to designate a jury made of members of both Academies as well as international experts to review the applications and nominate the two laureates.

每位获奖者将获得5万欧元的奖金。€ 20,000 个人奖金为欧元,进一步研究奖金为3万欧元).

The Laureates


Prof. Serge Schiffmann (ULB) and Prof. Patrik Verstreken (VIB/ KU Leuven) 两人都获得了2023年澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会双年奖.

The Prize of the Académie royale de Médecine de Belgique (ARMB) was awarded to Professor Serge Schiffmann (ULB) for the research “Decoding basal ganglia networks to understand movement and motivational disorders”.

The Prize of the Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde van België (KAGB) was awarded to Patrik Verstreken教授(VIB/ KU Leuven) for his research “健康的大脑:通过保持突触接触来治疗痴呆症”.



Prof. Serge Schiffmann (ULB)

Prof. Patrik Verstreken (VIB/ KU Leuven)


澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会首次颁发了两位获奖者.Prof. Patrice Cani (UCLouvain) received the AstraZeneca Foundation Award 2021 for his research on the microbiota and the gut. Prof. Thomas Voets (VIB - KULeuven) received the AstraZeneca Foundation Award 2021 for his research on chronic pain.


To discover their research, please watch the video filmed in their laboratories.


Prof. Patrice Cani (UCLouvain)

Group leader- Metabolism and Nutrition lab at the Louvain Drug Research Institute

Prof. Thomas Voets (VIB -KULeuven)



2019年,澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会授予 Prof. Cédric Blanpain (ULB) the Price for Biomedical Research 2019. The Belgian scientist has been granted with € 50 000 euros for its research on cancer and stem cells.

To discover Prof. 请观看在他的实验室拍摄的视频.


Prof. dr. Cédric Blanpain (ULB)



In 2017, Professor Dr. Séverine Vermeire was granted the sum of € 50,000 euros for her research on inflammatory bowel diseases.

With this award, 澳门在线赌城娱乐基金会实现了其主要目标之一, namely supporting and stimulating scientific research with the aim of finding practical applications for the most recent discoveries in basic research.

这不仅对研究人员很重要, but it also brings benefits to patients who can benefit from better treatment, 更好的诊断和创新技术.