

YHP programmes are developed to meet local needs and resources and are executed in over thirty countries globally by NGO partners, often with AstraZeneca employees volunteering their support.


We are privileged to work with many inspiring young people to make change happen in youth health.


影响奖学金提供奖助金来帮助小型, 创新, youth-focused non-profits develop and deliver effective health promotion programmes, with an emphasis on under-resourced and marginalised communities in low and middle-income countries.

自2010年推出以来, the 青少年健康计划 (YHP) has directly reached over ten million young people with information about non-communicable disease (NCD) risk behaviours. Working in partnership with over 50 not-for-profit organisations around the world, 青年青年计划培训了500多人,在青少年健康方面. 青年健康计划目前在全球40个国家开展. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐很自豪,到目前为止,已经有超过12个,000名员工自愿参加了70多个项目,参加青少年健康计划活动5000小时.

Discover some of the ways the YHP is empowering young people across the world in the below video:

The YHP has had proven impact in reducing NCD risk factors in communities around the world. The result of independent qualitative and quantitative research revealed that the YHP leads to sustained behaviour change among youth, 正如澳门第一赌城在线娱乐最近所展示的 影响报告. 


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐针对的一些行为, 包括空气污染, 缺乏身体活动, 不良的饮食习惯, 过度饮酒和吸烟, 能很大程度上取决于个人选择吗, but these and other factors are also heavily affected by social and environmental influences, 根据政策. Making a significant impact is a huge task that we cannot complete on our own, so we aim to catalyse action on a broader scale through:


构建包容性, community-based education and training programmes that empower young people with knowledge and skills to help them make informed health choices for longer and healthier lives.


Championing advocacy initiatives that put NCD prevention and adolescent health on the local, 国家, and global policy agenda and provide a platform for the voice and leadership of youth to be heard.


Developing young leaders and youth-serving organisations through mentorship, 奖学金, grand and learning opportunities to foster sustainable, collective leadership focused on improving youth health.


Investing in new research to address gaps in knowledge and build evidence about adolescent health to increase understanding and inform decision-making.

Access to healthcare at AstraZeneca is about working towards a future where all people have access to sustainable healthcare solutions for life-changing treatment and prevention. 通过YHP, we are accelerating the delivery of sustainable healthcare and using our capabilities to strengthen health systems and improve equitable access.

Click here to learn more about our global highlights to date.

YHP activities support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goal Target 3.4 – to reduce premature deaths linked to NCDs by one third by 2030 and to promote mental health and well-being.

澳门在线赌城娱乐, we know that taking action to drive sustainability is fundamental, 不仅是对地球的健康, 而是为了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐社会和人民的健康. Our 青少年健康计划 is one great example of our commitment with its aim to empower young people to make healthier choices. Every change made is a step towards the delivery of sustainable healthcare, 减少疾病负担. I am proud of the impact the 青少年健康计划 has had over the years, 以及澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在2022年取得的进展. It’s inspiring to see the impact this programme is having on reducing NCD risk factors in communities around the world.

考特尼伊斯兰教教规 Director, Global Community Investment and YHP, AstraZeneca



Amplifying the voices of girls and unleashing their power as global citizens


  1. 非传染性疾病. 谁.int. 2021. 可以从: http://www.谁.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/noncommunicable-diseases.
  2. 世界卫生组织. 改善青少年健康和发展. Geneva: Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development; 2001. 可以从: http://apps.谁.int /虹膜/比特流/处理/ 10665/64320 / WHO_FRH_ADH_98.18 _rev.1.pdf; jsessionid = CB67838D5DAD96E3464B2FCA07F3328F?序列= 1