How we’re upskilling and preparing our workforce for the age of generative artificial intelligence 





人才副总裁 & 的发展,

We stay at the forefront of innovation by prioritising our people’s learning and development (L&D)旅程和创造澳门第一赌城在线娱乐都可以学习的机会, 在新的挑战和技术面前适应和成长. 从博士那里了解更多. 邦妮Cheuk, 全球能力领导-数字化, 数据和学习敏捷性, 和马克·豪威尔斯, 人才副总裁 & 的发展, 关于澳门第一赌城在线娱乐如何通过数字和数据洞察力变得更加敏捷的旅程, and what we’re doing to upskill our workforce in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). 

The prevalence of AI across all aspects of our lives is growing every day. 从创造力到生产力, AI provides us with limitless opportunities to become more efficient and simplify the way we work. 而不是取代对人类的需求, these technologies work alongside our teams to augment human intelligence, 改变和简化澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的工作方式, 并帮助推动整个组织的创新. 

现在,生成式人工智能技术已经广泛普及, we want to make sure we upskill our employees through a series of activities designed to increase awareness and readiness, so they feel equipped to use emerging generative AI tools and feel confident to experiment with generative AI in a responsible way. As one of the first pharmaceutical companies to publish principles for AI and Data Ethics, we’re committed to building a continuous learning environment where people can enhance their digital capabilities.

随着世界与技术的结合越来越紧密, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的学习实践也是如此. Technology gives our people autonomy over how they choose to learn and empowers individuals to engage with materials in a style and at a pace that suits them best. Today there’s an increased demand for personalised learning experiences that are accessed via user friendly and convenient technologies, 随时随地. Our global learning platform offers a number of digital and AI learning content pathways in 12 languages, 在全公司范围内建立学习者的数字社区. 


IT界的领导者, HR, 人工智能管理, business and corporate communications worked with internal and external experts to create a programme that focuses on how we can use generative AI in our daily work and be intentional about our relationship with AI.

Our generative AI accreditation programme is a self-guided training course to upskill our workforce in using generative AI tools, 通过实际, 点对点的活动,以加强学习过程. Open to all our employees globally (who are not AI/Data Science specialists), 无论他们的经验或对技术的舒适度如何, it aims to increase people’s confidence in using generative AI tools ethically and responsibly, as well as nurturing the human skills needed to thrive in the age of AI so we can better prepare for the future.  

We ask participants to undertake a range of learning experiences; from keynote seminars and lab sessions to reflection activities and strategic thinking workshops, 每个人都被邀请在学习中发挥积极的作用. 而是鼓励澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的员工保持好奇心, 批判性思考, 问问题, 说出来, 并以明智和合乎道德的方式使用这些工具. 

从问题中获得的数据和见解, comments and reflection activities shape the future of the programme so that it continuously evolves. 目前, 有超过3个,300人的队列, 大于2,000人加入网上论坛, 大于1,000 employees participating in each live session – demonstrating our culture of curiosity and lifelong learning, as well as the mass appeal of understanding generative AI technology no matter your job role or location. Over 90% of the participants reported the learning is relevant to their work and has increased their work performance.


根据马克·豪厄尔斯的说法, 该项目的赞助者之一, its structure demonstrates our commitment to inclusive learning practices that empower our people to learn in their own way and help to make learning digital, 数据和人工智能是终身学习习惯的一部分.

“We make no assumptions about prior knowledge or experience and invite everyone to learn together, 按照他们自己的节奏, so we can create a high impact programme and maintain a psychologically safe learning environment for everyone to think together, 一起实验,一起学习.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的旅程始于五年前, 当澳门第一赌城在线娱乐开始培养数字技能的时候, 适应更加协作和敏捷的工作方式, 从“做数字化”到“成为数字化”. 多年来, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐已经创造了资源来提高人们的意识, empowered our people and enabled them to thrive in an ever-changing world.  现在, 生成式人工智能项目不仅仅是掌握新工具, it's about cultivating a mindset of curiosity and lifelong learning within our company. 通过鼓励澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的人民探索各种可能性, we not only enhance our digital capabilities but also support our drive for innovation. 坚持澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的价值观, we recognise that curiosity is part of the fuel that drives us to push the boundaries of science.”

通过提高员工在生成式人工智能方面的技能, we enable our people to make informed generative AI related business decisions whilst we accelerate innovative science and the delivery of life-changing medicines to patients. 

注:除本课程外, we offer a range of learning programmes for AI and data science specialists, and support colleagues who have an ambition to gain deeper AI expertise.